Gynec Department

Gynecology in the Bhagwati Hospital involves with pregnant women following a safe and healthy procedure delivering babies. While the Gynec Department involves in the female reproductive system, treating a wide range of conditions, including sexually transmitted infections(STIs) and chronic pain.
Bhagwati Hospital offers a comprehensive services for the reproductive health and gynecological needs of women. It has one of the highest workloads in the entire country and admission into the residency training programme is highly coveted. Being a tertiary care centre, patients are referred from allover with a fascinating array of  gynecological conditions.
  • To provide a wide range of procedures like cesarean sections, instrumental delivery during childbirth, hysterectomy, removing growths, such as ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids and surgery to repair pelvic organ injuries.
  • To evaluate and manage recurrent miscarriages ,screening and management of preterm labor and PPROM, management of critically ill obstetric patients
  • Handling complicated pregnancy issues like maternal disorders like hypertension and diabetes.

Family Planning Clinic

  • We offer contraception in the following ways – Barrier, Hormonal contraceptives (oral and injectable), Intrauterine device ( Cu-T).
  • Permanent sterilisation in the form of Post-partum sterilisation and laparoscopic tubal occlusion (LTO) and Male sterilisation.

What We Offer

  • Family Planning and Contraception Services
  • Infertility Clinic
  • Pre-Pregnancy Counseling
  • Antenatal Clinic
  • Pregnancy Physiotherapy
  • Normal/Cesarean Section Delivery
  • Painless Delivery
  • Postnatal Clinic
  • Sonography
  • Adolescent Gynaecology Care
  • Treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Urogynaecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
  • Screening (Pap Smear) & Treatment of Gynaecological Cancer
  • Advanced Laparoscopic and Hysteroscopic Surgery
  • Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy